Self-Sabotaging Habits
We all have them. Little habits or behaviors that rob us of our personal power or make us feel like it’s impossible to change.
There is hope.

Dr. Hasemeier has helped countless patients in the Middletown area with a variety of addictions and disempowering behaviors. Which ones would you like to see eliminated?
Maybe it’s a co-worker who pushes your button. Or an unhealthy craving for sugar, alcohol or nicotine. Perhaps you have a habit of procrastination or a tendency to not complete projects. Ever start an exercise routine and discontinue about the time it was starting to show results?
“I’ve struggled with my own self-sabotaging behaviors,” observes Dr. Rick. “It prompted me to discover the technology and acquire the skills necessary to break unhealthy habits.”
If you’ve read every diet book, you already know what to do. It’s sticking with it that’s the key.
“Believe me, I understand,” says Dr. Hasemeier. “I was telling my patients to clean up their diet or whatever, and I wasn’t walking the talk myself. It forced me to get real.”
Patients feel safe confiding in Dr. Hasemeier and appreciate the willingness to listen with an open, nonjudgmental frame of mind. Find out for yourself.