If our consultation suggests that you’d likely be helped with chiropractic care, we’ll need to perform a complete examination. Our examination varies based upon what we discover during the evaluation of your health history. What we find will tell us which examinations we need to conduct:

Our patients often comment on how thorough our examination is, compared with other practitioners they’ve consulted
This is a general evaluation that may include the recording of height, weight, pulse, blood pressure and similar objective measurements.
These examinations test your ability to turn, bend and move key joints of your skeletal system through their expected range of motion.
We’ll test your dermatomes, deep tendon reflexes, muscle strength and other aspects pointing to the health of your central nervous system.
These tests can include postural evaluations, static and dynamic palpation and other procedures to reveal neurological problems.
Surface electromyography is an instrument that locates subluxation patterns by measuring electrical activity in the muscles supporting the spine.
Diagnostic imaging can help locate any bone abnormalities, fractures and reveal your spine’s phase of spinal decay.